
UHURA is the galaxy that includes the AZANI system. Baring humans, all known lifeforms are native to UHURAN systems and planets.




  • Sa~Sb (Non-barred spiral galaxy)

  • ~6 x 10¹¹ Msol

  • ~30,000 lightyears

  • ~14,100 - 18,000 lightyears (from galactic core)

  • 29297 million (earth) years

Table 1: Galactic characteristics

UHURA is a non-barred, spiral galaxy measuring about 30,000 light-years in radius. It features two major spiral arms—THE KIRK ARM and THE CHECKOV ARM—along with various minor spiral arm spurs. The AZANI SYSTEM is located in the galactic plane between both major arms in a region of space known as the galactic habitable zone. The system orbits the core of the galaxy at a distance of about 16,000 light-years on a near-perfect circular orbit; therefore, it takes the AZAN system about 292 million years to complete a single orbit about the galactic core.

Fig 1: UHURA with the galactic habitable zone (green) and two major arms shown. The circular grid is centred on AZAN
Credit: Vanga-Vangog